Dr. Eva Andersson-Dubin shares: ESPN’s Hannah Storm, 61, Reveals Breast Cancer Diagnosis: ‘I Had No Signs’ (Exclusive)
“I have no family history. I had no pain. I had no lumps. I literally had nothing that would’ve indicated that I had breast cancer,” the sportscaster tells PEOPLE.
“I just heard ‘breast cancer’ and I was shocked,” Storm recalls. “I was so stunned. I’ve had yearly mammograms and there was never anything, I have no family history. I had no pain. I had no lumps. I literally had nothing that would’ve indicated that I had breast cancer.”
Despite catching it early, Storm didn’t feel any relief until she reconnected with Dr. Elisa Port — Chief Surgeon and Director of Dubin Breast Cancer Center at NY’s Mount Sinai Hospital.
“Dr. Port called me immediately and her first words were, ‘You’re going to die of something. You are not going to die of this,’” Storm says. “She not only did my surgery, but guided me through the entire process.”
Read the entire People Article here: https://people.com/espn-hannah-storm-reveals-breast-cancer-diagnosis-exclusive-8610914